Spanish Blackjack Tips

In Spanish Blackjack, the 10 cards are removed, leaving 48 card decks; this gives the dealer an increased advantage. The game provides additional rules and bonuses in order to level the playing field. Here are the most important to play blackjack.
- Late surrender is permitted.
- Double after split is permitted.
- A player with 21 always wins.
- Dealer blackjack is beaten by player blackjack.
- Player can double on any amount of cards.
- Player can surrender after doubling.
- A five-card 21 pays 3 to 2, a six-card 21 pays 2 to 1, a seven or more card 21 pays 3 to 1.
- A 6-7-8 or 7-7-7 of mixed suits pays 3 to 2, of the same suit pays 2 to 1, and of spades pays 3 to 1.
In addition to these, some rules vary from online casino to online casino. Microgaming casinos deploy the following rules for online Spanish Blackjack.
- Dealer hits on soft 17.
- 8 Spanish decks may be used.
- Redoubling permitted once.
House Edge
With these rules, the house edge for Microgaming Spanish Blackjack is approximately 0.4 percent-- the same as it is with classic blackjack. Microgaming Spanish Blackjack strategy differs from the standard variants in that players must take additional risks in order to receive the Bonuses but in many cases, the payouts outweigh the risks.
Strategy Card
In Microgaming Spanish Blackjack, the strategy card is formatted in the same manner as the classic blackjack strategy card. All the values of the dealer up card from two to 10 and Ace are displayed by the columns. The player's hand values are split into three sections. Hard totals for the player are dealt with by the first section and hand values from 12 to 19 are dealt with by the section for the soft totals for the player. The third section deals with pairs and provides instructions for splitting.
If Spanish Blackjack becomes boring, players can try their luck with the slots instead.